Pastor Obinna Michael
James 1: 19-20 (KJV). Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
Verse 20. for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
Every child of God must learn how to spend quality time with God in prayers and in the word, so as to see His mind revealed to us. God does not want the heart of his children to be without Grace.
Truly the wisdom of the spirit is profitable to direct, one of such is what the Apostle James write to the church concerning some of the character of the spirit he wants the children of God to have. He writes to us this day to instruct us by the Spirit that as you journey in this kingdom, you must learn to be “SLOW TO SPEAK”.
Why is this important? Because by your words you are justified, and by it, you are condemned. The Greek word for “Slow” here is the word “BRADUS” and this word in the English means To be dull. An example is what the Lord Jesus says in Luke 24:25 (KJV). Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:
We as God’s children are expected to be dull or slow in certain things (negative), but not slow in the things that are to bring us joy (positive). We shouldn’t be slow to believing the gospel or in spreading the GOODNEWS, we shouldn’t be slow in giving or in showing love to people, but we are expected to be SLOW TO SPEAK.
If you will go far in life, then you must have what I call the discipline of speaking few words. You can’t say everything you see. You won’t do well in ministry if you don’t know how to keep secrets and be quiet. Sometimes, this is the test of the Spirit that God put you through, failure to pass this test means that the big things of God will not be opened to you.
Choose your words today.
Father, I am opened to your instructions and learning, I thank you for your words that brings corrections to my path. By this today, I am made better and my paths are full of light in Jesus name. Amen.
Bible Reference: Proverbs 8: 6-7, Proverbs 23: 16.
Wisdom Capsule:
Proverbs 15: 1 (MSG)……A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire.
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