
Pastor Obinna Michael

James 1: 19 (KJV). Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

It is great wisdom to know when to act and know what to do. God does not expect us to act anyhow and with anything to every man. Some believers do not carry this wisdom and this is why it is important to instruct and teach them all these things by the Spirit.

One of the wisdom you must carry as a child of God is that which makes you slow to wrath. We are told that the Greek word for “slow” is the word “BRADUS” and it means to be “dull” and the Greek for “wrath” is “ORGE” and this word means anger, vengeance, indignation or punishment. Apostle James is teaching us wisdom and this wisdom are: be slow to anger, be slow to Vengeance, be slow to punishment.
Why is this important ?

Some people have lost friends, relationships, jobs, money, because of anger, they acted too quickly to issues . When you hear something about someone, wisdom entails that you investigate before you act. Don’t act then after your action, you now start investigating, it shows you lack wisdom.

Don’t be quick to punish someone over what you heard or saw, take your time for this is the cry of wisdom. Proverbs 16:32 (KJV). He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; And he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.

You are mighty in the sight of God when you know how to control your anger. Children of God, pastor, leader, madam, mother, father, etc, you will always hear something about yourself or people, but choose to be slow to anger for this is the will of God for you today.

Father in heaven, I thank you for your word and i accept your wisdom today and your verdict over issues. I refuse to allow my temper control me, but instead, i yield myself to your Spirit for control in Jesus name. Amen.

Bible Reference: Proverbs 27: 4, Proverbs 15: 18.

Wisdom Capsule:
Proverbs 15: 4 (MSG)……..Kind words heal and help; cutting words wound and maim.

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