Pastor Obinna Michael
James 1: 18 (KJV). Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.
When you read this verse in the message translation it shows something. He brought us to life using the true Word, showing us off as the crown of all his creatures.
Accepting the Lord Jesus into your heart by faith, and making open the confession of his Lordship over your life is what it means to be Born Again. If you haven’t done this openly, then you have to do it now because without it, you are not saved.
Say after me: Lord Jesus, I believe in you, I believe that you are the son of God, I believe you died for me and on the third day, you were raised back to life. I confess with my mouth your Lordship over my life, and I receive by faith the remission of my sin and the gift of eternal life. I am born again, I am a new creation in Christ Jesus.
Congratulations child of God, you are now a child of God, but it doesn’t end here, now that you are born again what does God expect of you?
Our theme scripture says we are the CROWN of all his creatures, this is who you are now, you are the object of his love and he cares about you, but there is something he wants from you.
After this your new birth experience, he wants you to GROW, you can’t remain a child forever, it is dangerous to remain a baby, you must seek to grow. But your growth into maturity is tied to the secrets from the writings of Apostle James in our theme scripture.
Everything created by God is sustained from or by his source. We were born by the “WORD OF GOD” meaning that our growth into maturity will also come from this. You must consistently give time to the ministry of the word so you can grow into maturity.
As you study, listen and read the word you must also put THE WORD TO WORK. Hallelujah.
Father, I thank you for revealing to me your plans and purpose for my life. I thank you for the gift of the word that aid my growth in you, I declare that I will give myself to this ministry daily and profiting will appear unto all. Amen.
Bible Reference: Acts 6: 1-3, John 15: 4-5.
Wisdom Capsule:
Proverbs 15: 8 (MSG)…….God can’t stand pious poses, but he delights in genuine prayers.
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