
Pastor Obinna Michael

Hebrew 13: 3 (AMP). Remember those who are in prison as if you were their fellow prisoner, and those who are ill-treated, since you also are liable to bodily sufferings.

It is possible to forget the poor once you are rich or comfortable. It is possible to forget your past once things start working for you, and this pride is the reason why many of such people find themselves back in the mud.
Freedom can be abused. It is possible for the man who does not know what it is like to be free, then abused it because he had never been bound.

This is why our theme scripture is instructing us to remember those in prison as though we are the ones there. It was this lesson that the uncle of Queen Esther was trying to pass to her when the evil decree was made to kill all the Jews. He told her to act because, he believed that for this cause did the Lord permit her to be in the palace, but if she fails to act simply because she feels safe and secured in the palace, God will still send help to the Jews but her life will be in danger.

This kind of attitude is with many believers in Christ. Once they found themselves in a comfortable condition they tend to forget the poor and those sufferings. This is not supposed to be so children of God.

One of the religious activities in Christianity is to visit those in pains and in chains, for example, those in prison. The Lord Jesus spoke about this in his teachings when he lashed out on some people for not coming to visit him and feed him when he was hungry and they asked when? He answered by saying that: when you visit those in prison and feed the poor, you are doing it to me. This is how to reach the unreached, and to touch the forgotten.

Don’t ask whether they are right or wrong, or what they did right or wrong, just be of help and leave them with God.

Heavenly father, I thank you for your word that has opened my eyes to the need of our savior, I vow to play my role and be a help to somebody out there who is going through pain. I thank you for this in Jesus name. Amen.

Bible Reference: Mathew 25: 34-40.

Wisdom Capsule:
Proverbs 15: 13 (MSG)……..A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day

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