
Pastor Obinna Michael

Psalm 2: 11 (KJV). Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

Ministry is anything you do for the Lord in love. Ministry is service, but it is not a worthy service unto the Lord, if it is not done in love and out of a pure heart guided in faith. When you carry this knowledge in you, then you will learn to appreciate God in whatever He ask you to do for him or whatever capacity you serve him.

Some people define ministry to be anything (service) you render on the pulpit i.e. they believe that you are only in ministry to the degree that you can preach or be found around the altar or pulpit. This is why they do not appreciate the cleaners, camera men, ushers, marshals, those in the children department, greeters, soul winners, catchers, etc.

This is the reason why we have so much complaints and eye service in the church. Some that are serving in the church of Jesus Christ have lost their joy of service because they feel nobody recognizes them or appreciate them.
Children of God, you must serve the Lord with joy. He is the one who rewards and not man, though he will use man, but it is not coming from them but God. The reason you should serve with joy and never let anything or anyone tamper with that your joy, is that, it is only with joy that you can draw out water from the well of salvation.
Satan our enemy is after your joy and not your service, so watch it and guide your joy in serving the Lord.

Loving father, I thank you for you have been good to me, you have given me many reasons to thank you. One of them is this your word today that have taught me how to jealously guide my joy in serving you, I thank you for in Jesus name. Amen.

Bible Reference: Isaiah 12: 1-3, Psalm 100: 1-2.

Wisdom Capsule:
Proverbs 15: 19 (MSG)…….The path of lazy people is overgrown with briers; the diligent walk down a smooth road.

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